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  • Writer's pictureSuresh Moganti

She kissed it again, the piece of glass separating

her world from mine. Only this time she left a pink

imprint of her full lips, slightly tinting my vision. I

was getting tired of copying her movements, all the

blowing kisses, the countless pep talks, I’m sick of it

all! Everything was going to change today. I've

been so careful for so long, smiling when she does,

crying as she does, I’m tired of mouthing her words.

I want my own life! My thoughts were disturbed, I

nodded with her as she approved of her outfit and

turned to leave the bathroom. I let myself break

character just for a second and for once the smile

on my face was a real one.

I heard the door close and for a while I let my

thoughts wander back to the life I had, the mistakes

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